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歡迎來到Sacred Tea Taiwan網頁! 

你是一位需要增加哺乳量的媽媽嗎? 你可知道,你可以以最快最自然的方式,快速提高哺乳量?


不使用有毒化學品,人工配料,或處方藥因為對媽媽和嬰兒都多少會有副作用. Sacred Tea有機泌乳聖茶是100%經認證的有機草本配方, 以含有提高泌乳量功能的草本專門制定,不僅增加乳汁供應, 也是保護媽媽和寶寶的消化系統與預防常見的胃部不適, 消化不良,便秘和脹氣.


Sacred Tea有機泌乳聖茶是為您而制. 我們的獨特配方是一個包含很多重要養分的有力的組合,服用後僅僅幾個小時就有效果.

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I really do love how well the tea works, It's the only thing I've found to increase my milk supply. I love the tea and truly recommend it to all my nursing mama friends!


Thought you might like this. My sweets enjoying their breakfast! Almost 1 and still exclusively breastfed.





- Robyn C, Ft. Worth, Texas

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